We believe arts and culture are a necessity, not an option.
We believe arts and culture are a necessity, not an option
Food For Thought
In this groundbreaking series, we journey through compelling episodes, exploring the most pressing issues of our time. Delve into thought-provoking discussions, powerful narratives, and innovative solutions as we serve up a feast of ideas and perspectives, inviting you to savor the complexities of our world. Join us on this intellectual culinary adventure, where every episode offers a fresh course of insight, understanding, and inspiration. Prepare to be intellectually nourished in this immersive exploration of the human experience while breaking bread with community members who seek a better world for all.
Guest Artists
Thank You to Our Sponsors and Partners
Westville Village Renaissance Alliance (WVRA)
City of New Haven Department of Arts & Culture - Support provided by the Mayor's Neighborhood Cultural Vitality Grant.
New Haven, CT
Havenly |
New Haven, CT